Why doesn't this code work:
class Foo a b c | a b -> c where
foo :: a -> b -> c
instance Foo Int Int Int where
foo a b = a + b
ghci > foo 4 4 -- This produces run time error
And by using functional dependency, why the following code produces compile time error:
instance Foo Float Float Int where
foo a b = a + b
I know that the above instance is an crazy example, but isn't the aim of functional dependency to help the type checker in resolving these issues ?
Actually it did resolve the ambiguity. The problem is that 4 :: Num a => a
so GHC can't decide that you want to use foo :: Int -> Int -> Int
. Now if instead you did
foo (4 :: Int) (4 :: Int)
> 8
Since now it is clear which instance we want to use. To make this clearer, suppose we had
class Foo a b c | a -> b, a -> c where
Now we could do
foo (4 :: Int) 4
> 8
since once GHC has filled in all the type variables not on the right side of an ->
, it can fill in the rest.