I need to generate an $or
filter from passed strings in an array to select documents from a 20K documents' collection.
So I wrote the following function which generates the $or
function orConditionCreator(attName, tagsArray)
var myarray = [];
var myJSON = "";
for (var i = 0; i < tagsArray.length; i++) {
var key = attName;
var json = { };
// forming regex with case insensitivity
json[key] = "/" + tagsArray[i] + "/i";
myJSON = JSON.stringify({ $or: myarray });
// myJSON contains quotes like in { "name" : "/HarryPotter/i" }
// this is not desirable for regex. So we strip the quotes
myJSON = myJSON.replace(/\"/g, "");
return myJSON;
Then I call it like :
//tags[0] = "harry" , tags[1] = "potter"
var orCondition = orConditionCreator("name", tags);
mongo.peopleColl.find( orCondition ).toArray( function( err, documents) {
if(err) { /* handle */ }
// do stuff with documents
Here, find(orCondition)
is not working as expected. Now, if I manually pass the string returned by orConditionCreator
to collection.find() as
mongo.peopleColl.find( {$or:[{name:/harry/i},{name:/potter/i}]} ).toArrarray(...
it works fine, but fails in first case with use of orCondition
Any help regarding the dynamic creation of this $or condition would be great. Thanks!
This reason this isn't returning any docs, is that orConditionCreator
is returning a JSON string, not an object.
But like I mentioned in the comments, you should be using $in
for this instead:
//tags[0] = "harry" , tags[1] = "potter"
var regexps = tags.map(function(tag) {
// When building regular expressions from strings, use the constructor.
return new RegExp(tag, "i");
mongo.peopleColl.find({name: {$in: regexps}}).toArray(function(err, documents) {
if(err) { /* handle */ }
// do stuff with documents