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Relative Strength Index in python pandas

I am new to pandas. What is the best way to calculate the relative strength part in the RSI indicator in pandas? So far I got the following:

from pylab import *
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

def Datapull(Stock):
        df = (,'yahoo',start='01/01/2010'))
        return df
        print 'Retrieved', Stock
    except Exception, e:
        print 'Main Loop', str(e)

def RSIfun(price, n=14):
    delta = price['Close'].diff()

    RolUp=pd.rolling_mean(dUp, n)
    RolDown=pd.rolling_mean(dDown, n).abs()

    RS = RolUp / RolDown
    rsi= 100.0 - (100.0 / (1.0 + RS))
    return rsi


Am I doing it correctly so far? I am having trouble with the difference part of the equation where you separate out upward and downward calculations


  • dUp= delta[delta > 0]
    dDown= delta[delta < 0]

    also you need something like:

    RolUp = RolUp.reindex_like(delta, method='ffill')
    RolDown = RolDown.reindex_like(delta, method='ffill')

    otherwise RS = RolUp / RolDown will not do what you desire

    Edit: seems this is a more accurate way of RS calculation:

    # dUp= delta[delta > 0]
    # dDown= delta[delta < 0]
    # dUp = dUp.reindex_like(delta, fill_value=0)
    # dDown = dDown.reindex_like(delta, fill_value=0)
    dUp, dDown = delta.copy(), delta.copy()
    dUp[dUp < 0] = 0
    dDown[dDown > 0] = 0
    RolUp = pd.rolling_mean(dUp, n)
    RolDown = pd.rolling_mean(dDown, n).abs()
    RS = RolUp / RolDown