(source: rigel222.com)
All I want to do is modify the text value of the XML corresponding to the CURRENTLY SELECTED node in the tree. Everything is a piece of cake except actually changing 'abc' to 'xyz'.
public var xml:XML=
Content A
<parentnode Name="value" Attr2="4">
parent content1
<childnode Name="child" Attr2="fun">
child content
parent content 2
abc <!-- Selected Node When Button Is Pressed-->
private function XMLTreeLabel(node:Object):String{
if (XMLTree.dataDescriptor.isBranch(node)) {
} else {
private function UpdateXMLContent():void
var Node:XML=XMLTree.selectedItem as XML;
if ((Node.hasSimpleContent())&&
(Node.valueOf()=="abc")) {
Node='xyz' as XML; // I Get To This Line Of Code,
// But It Is Impossible To MODIFY
// The Value Of The Node
// None of these ways work either:
// XMLTree.selectedItem=XML('xyz');
// Node=XML('xyz');
// Node.text()[0]='xyz';
// Node.firstChild.nodeValue='xyz';
// Node.setChildren('xyz');
// Node[0]='xyz';
// Is changing the content of xml an unreasonable/impossible
// expectation for Flex?
[... some code omitted...]
<mx:Tree height="100%" width="100%"
dataProvider="{xml}" labelFunction="XMLTreeLabel"
<mx:Button x="185" y="335" label="Button"
P.S. I know I can say xml.rootnode.blahblahblah = whatever, but I need to modify the entry represented in the tree, and therefore cannot hard code the path to the node.
Edit: Ok, this is fully working now, good luck:
private function UpdateXMLContent():void
var NodeToModify:XML=XMLTree.selectedItem as XML;
if ((NodeToModify.hasSimpleContent())&&
(NodeToModify.valueOf()=="abc")) {
var NodeParent:XML = NodeToModify.parent();
XMLTree.selectedItem = NodeParent.insertChildAfter(NodeToModify,"xyz");
var cn:XMLList = XMLList(NodeToModify.parent()).children();
for ( var i:Number = 0 ; i < cn.length() ; i++ )
if ( cn[i] == NodeToModify )
delete cn[i];
//we didn't find the node, shouldn't be reached
Here's the solution for deleting the element: