I am trying to get a range in the format of 0..# to be used in a for loop. I currently have this but it's not grabbing the count properly. I am trying to run this on OpenWRT.
count=echo $(( ${grep -c BSS /tmp/ScannedAPs.txt} - 1 ))
The Error: ${grep -c BSS /tmp/ScannedAPs.FLT}: bad substitution
echo "Count:"
echo "$count"
echo "Time for range"
echo "$range"
for index in $(eval echo "{$range}")
echo "${BSS[index]} ${SSID[index]} ${CHAN[index]}" >> /tmp/ScannedAPs_Parsed.txt
As you've indicated, the error is in:
count=echo $(( ${grep -c BSS /tmp/ScannedAPs.txt} - 1 ))
The proper syntax for Command Substitution is $(command)
. Say:
count=$(( $(grep -c BSS /tmp/ScannedAPs.txt) - 1 ))
Moreover, you could avoid using eval
for index in $(eval echo "{$range}")
by saying:
for index in $(seq 0 $count)
Alternatively, you could loop (as suggested by ruakh) by saying:
for ((index=0;index<=count;index++)); do
# Do something here