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Difference between u'string' and unicode(string)

This is a sample program I made:

>>> print u'\u1212'
>>> print '\u1212'
>>> print unicode('\u1212')

Why do I get \u1212 instead of when I print unicode('\u1212')?

I'm making a program to store data and not print it, so how do I store instead of \u1212? Now obviously I can't do something like:

x = u''+unicode('\u1212')

Interestingly even if I do that, here's what I get:


Another fact that I think is worth mentioning :

>>> u'\u1212' == unicode('\u1212')

What do I do to store or some other character like that instead of \uxxxx?


  • '\u1212' is an ASCII string with 6 characters: \, u, 1, 2, 1, and 2.

    unicode('\u1212') is a Unicode string with 6 characters: \, u, 1, 2, 1, and 2

    u'\u1212' is a Unicode string with one character: .

    You should use Unicode strings all around, if that's what you want.


    If for some reason you need to convert '\u1212' to u'\u1212', use


    (Note that in Python 3, strings are always Unicode.)