I observed that math expressions in KornShell (ksh) or Sqlite don't have equivalent outcomes when comparing them to Google or Excel.
First put the expression below in Google: 8 / (8 + 3) * 9 = 6.54545454545
Now note the following in KornShell:
> ksh
> echo $(( 2 + 3 ))
> echo $((8 / (8 + 3) * 9))
# Now change the first 8 to a 12 (higher than 11) and it works....
> echo $((12 / (8 + 3) * 9))
Now note the same in sqlite:
sqlite> select 8/(8 + 3) * 9;
8/(8 + 3) * 9
sqlite> select 12/(8 + 3) * 9;
12/(8 + 3) * 9
How can I make this expression work in both KornShell and sqlite?
sqlite has the notion of a datatype. All those constants - 12, 8, 3 - are integer constants. When making calculations with integers, it does not promote them to floating-point. Korn shell probably does the same. So would many mainstream programming languages, notably C and its numerous derivatives.
If you want floating point rules to apply, make your numbers floating point:
select 12.0/(8.0 + 3.0) * 9.0