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Sticky Nav – why does it become transparent and unclickable?

I'm using Sticky.js ( to affix my page nav once it reaches to top of the screen. Works well so far, except for that there seems to be a z-index or transparency issue once the stickiness is triggered. The content passes too visibly beneath the fixed nav, during which the nav links are not reliably selectable.


Here's a quick screenflow to demonstrate:

My site:


/* jquery */ <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
/* sticky script */ <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

<script type="text/javascript">
    $("#page-nav").sticky({ topSpacing: 0 });

<ul id="page-nav">
  <a href="#chapter-1"><li>Iboga Ceremony</li></a>
  <a href="#chapter-2"><li>Clinical Detox</li></a>
  <a href="#chapter-3"><li>Medical Standards</li></a>
  <a href="#canvas-wrapper"><li>Top ↑</li></a>


#page-nav {
  /* structural stuff */
  position: absolute; top: -40px; left: 0; right: 0; 
  padding: 0 1500px; margin: 0 -1500px;

  /* non-essentials */ 
  text-align: center; font-size: 16px; line-height: 3em; 
  list-style: none; background-color: #A47938;


  • Your navigation and content are both contained in divs, which have the class .sqs-block. This class has set z-index: 1. The problem is, z-index is relative to the parent, so when you apply a z-index of 999 to your navigation, this will have no apparent effect. The solution is to override the z-index for your navigations container. Given your current markup, this CSS will do it:

    #content .row:first-child .sqs-block { z-index: 999; }

    Alternatively, you can do this with jQuery:

    $('#page-nav').closest('.sqs-block').css('z-index', '999');