I'm trying use mit-scheme in emacs but I can't get passed that problem...
The problem is I don't know how to add white spaces in a file path in .emacs file So far I've tried
(setq scheme-program-name
"/Applications/MIT:GNU\ Scheme.app/Contents/Resources/mit-scheme")
(require 'xscheme)
(setq scheme-program-name
"/Applications/MIT:GNU Scheme.app/Contents/Resources/mit-scheme")
(require 'xscheme)
but the outputs I get is
Can't exec program: /Applications/MIT:GNUScheme.app/Contents/Resources/mit-scheme
Can't exec program: /Applications/MIT:GNU
because there is a white space missing in the path..
I think this is not possible using the existing functions, due to the way scheme gets called. The function run-scheme
contains an explicit call to the function split-string-and-unquote
on the scheme program name. As a consequence, the path to the scheme program will always be split at the first space. This means it is impossible to use a path with a space in it.
This is a bug that should be reported to the maintainers I think.