I have two classes (Impressions and Replies) which inherit from the parent class Comment:
class CommentsController < ApplicationController
. . . .
class ImpressionsController < CommentsController
. . . .
class RepliesController < CommentsController
. . . .
In my view, I want them to render the same way. Right now, I'm approaching it like this:
<%= render @comment %>
Ideally, this would render the partial "/comments/_comment", but instead Rails want to render things like "/impressions/_impression" or "/replies/_replies." Is there any way to strong arm Rails into do "/comments/_comment"?
With :collection you can render a collection of objects. Given a single object you should us :object instead.
<%= render partial: '/comments/comment', object: @impression %>
The :as is not necessary as long as the partial is named 'comment'. If you name your partial e.g. 'my_comment' then @impression would be accessible via the local variable 'my_comment' and you would have to use :as to define a different local name.
However in your case I would prefer to define a partial path for the Impression and Replies model as follows (Rails >3.2.?):
class Impression < ActiveRecord::Base
def to_partial_path
Then you can use the standard rendering with an object or collection
<%= render @comment %>