I am working on an application in iOS where I have an NSDateFormatter object as follows:
NSDate *today = [NSDate date];
NSDateFormatter *dateFormat = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];
[dateFormat setDateFormat:@"EEE, MMM. dd"];
NSString *dateString = [dateFormat stringFromDate:today];
NSLog(@"%@", dateString);
My output is: Tue, Dec. 10 and I would like to display: TUE, Dec. 10 instead.
My problem though is that the day of the week has only the first letter capitalized, and not the entire day (i.e. I am getting "Tue", and I would like to display "TUE"). The formatting of the month is fine (i.e. "Dec" I am happy with).
I have checked the specs on date formatting and unfortunately there is no conventional way of doing this using the NSDateFormatter class. Is there a way around this to still capitalize all of the abbreviated letters in the day of the week only without touching the month?
There is no way to do this directly with the date formatter. The easiest would be to process the string after formatting the date.
NSString *dateString = [dateFormat stringFromDate:today];
dateString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%@", [[dateString substringToIndex:3] uppercaseString], [dateString substringFromIndex:3]];
The above assumes that EEE
always gives a 3-letter weekday abbreviation. It may be possible that there is some locale or language where this assumption isn't valid. A better solution would then be the following:
NSString *dateString = [dateFormat stringFromDate:today];
NSRange commaRange = [dateString rangeOfString:@","];
dateString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%@", [[dateString substringToIndex:commaRange.location] uppercaseString], [dateString substringFromIndex:commaRange.location]];