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How to achieve dynamic polymorphism (run-time call dispatch) on unrelated types?


I would like to achieve type-safe dynamic polymorphism (i.e. run-time dispatch of a function call) on unrelated types - i.e. on types which do not have a common base class. It seems to me that this is achievable, or at least theoretically sound. I will try to define my problem more formally.


Given the following:

  • two or more unrelated types A1, ..., An, each of which has a method called f, possibly with different signatures, but with the same return type R; and
  • a boost::variant<A1*, ..., An*> object v (or whatever other type of variant) which can and must assume at any time one value of any of those types;

My goal is to write instructions conceptually equivalent to v.f(arg_1, ..., arg_m); that would get dispatched at run-time to function Ai::f if the actual type of the value contained in v is Ai. If the call arguments are not compatible with the formal parameters of each function Ai, the compiler should raise an error.

Of course I do not need to stick to the syntax v.f(arg_1, ..., arg_m): for instance, something like call(v, f, ...) is also acceptable.

I tried to achieve this in C++, but so far I have failed to come up with a good solution (I do have a bunch of bad ones). Below I clarify what I mean by "good solution".


A good solution is anything that lets me mimic the v.f(...) idiom, e.g. call_on_variant(v, f, ...);, and satisfies the following constraints:

  1. does not require any sort of separate declaration for each function f that must be called this way (e.g. ENABLE_CALL_ON_VARIANT(f)) or for any list of unrelated types A1, ..., An that can be treated polymorphically (e.g. ENABLE_VARIANT_CALL(A1, ..., An)) somewhere else in the code, especially on global scope;
  2. does not require to explicitly name the types of the input arguments when doing the call (e.g. call_on_variant<int, double, string>(v, f, ...)). Naming the return type is OK, so for instance call_on_variant<void>(v, f, ...) is acceptable.

Follows a demonstrative example that hopefully clarifies my wish and requirements.


struct A1 { void f(int, double, string) { cout << "A"; } };
struct A2 { void f(int, double, string) { cout << "B"; } };
struct A3 { void f(int, double, string) { cout << "C"; } };

using V = boost::variant<A1, A2, A3>;

// Do not want anything like the following here:
// ENABLE_VARIANT_CALL(foo, <whatever>)

int main()
    A a;
    B b;
    C c;

    V v = &a;
    call_on_variant(v, f, 42, 3.14, "hello");

    // Do not want anything like the following here:
    // call_on_variant<int, double, string>(v, f, 42, 3.14, "hello");

    V v = &b;
    call_on_variant(v, f, 42, 3.14, "hello");

    V v = &c;
    call_on_variant(v, f, 42, 3.14, "hello");

The output of this program should be: ABC.


The closest I got to the desired solution is this macro:

#define call_on_variant(R, v, f, ...) \
[&] () -> R { \
    struct caller : public boost::static_visitor<void> \
    { \
        template<typename T> \
        R operator () (T* pObj) \
        { \
            pObj->f(__VA_ARGS__); \
        } \
    }; \
    caller c; \
    return v.apply_visitor(c); \

Which would work perfectly, if only template members were allowed in local classes (see this question). Does anybody have an idea how to fix this, or suggest an alternative approach?


  • Some time has passed, C++14 is being finalized, and compilers are adding support for new features, like generic lambdas.

    Generic lambdas, together with the machinery shown below, allow achieving the desired (dynamic) polymorphism with unrelated classes:

    #include <boost/variant.hpp>
    template<typename R, typename F>
    class delegating_visitor : public boost::static_visitor<R>
        delegating_visitor(F&& f) : _f(std::forward<F>(f)) { }
        template<typename T>
        R operator () (T x) { return _f(x); }
        F _f;
    template<typename R, typename F>
    auto make_visitor(F&& f)
        using visitor_type = delegating_visitor<R, std::remove_reference_t<F>>;
        return visitor_type(std::forward<F>(f));
    template<typename R, typename V, typename F>
    auto vcall(V&& vt, F&& f)
        auto v = make_visitor<R>(std::forward<F>(f));
        return vt.apply_visitor(v);
    #define call_on_variant(val, fxn_expr) \
        vcall<int>(val, [] (auto x) { return x-> fxn_expr; });

    Let's put this into practice. Supposing to have the following two unrelated classes:

    #include <iostream>
    #include <string>
    struct A
        int foo(int i, double d, std::string s) const
            std::cout << "A::foo(" << i << ", " << d << ", " << s << ")"; 
            return 1; 
    struct B
        int foo(int i, double d, std::string s) const
            std::cout << "B::foo(" << i << ", " << d << ", " << s << ")"; 
            return 2;

    It is possible to invoke foo() polymorphically this way:

    int main()
        A a;
        B b;
        boost::variant<A*, B*> v = &a;
        auto res1 = call_on_variant(v, foo(42, 3.14, "Hello"));
        std::cout << std::endl<< res1 << std::endl;
        v = &b;
        auto res2 = call_on_variant(v, foo(1337, 6.28, "World"));
        std::cout << std::endl<< res2 << std::endl;

    And the output is, as expected:

    A::foo(42, 3.14, Hello)
    B::foo(1337, 6.28, World)

    The program has been tested on VC12 with November 2013's CTP. Unfortunately, I do not know of any online compiler that supports generic lambdas, so I cannot post a live example.