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Grails 2.3 IntegrationSpec cannot be transactional false

I upgrade to Grails 2.3 recently and try to migrate all old tests to spock integration test. But it fails at cleanup because my test is non-transactional. The Grails doc says test can be non-transactional, but we need to handle it manually, but it seems not quite right here. as I am getting this error in every integration test extending IntegrationSpec

java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot deactivate transaction synchronization - not active
    at grails.test.spock.IntegrationSpec.cleanup(IntegrationSpec.groovy:72)

A simple test like this would throw that error:

import grails.test.spock.IntegrationSpec

public class DummySpec extends IntegrationSpec {
   static transactional = false

   def setup() {

   def cleanup() {

   def testDummy() {
      1 == 1


  • I ran into this too! Pretty sure its a grails bug... I submitted a jira and a patch.

    The error is thrown because the code in grails.test.spock.IntegrationSpec does not check for interceptor.isTransactional() before calling interceptor.destroy()

    def cleanup() {
      perMethodTransactionInterceptor?.destroy()  //breaks :(
    private GrailsTestTransactionInterceptor initTransaction() {
      def interceptor = new GrailsTestTransactionInterceptor(applicationContext)
      if (interceptor.isTransactional(this)) interceptor.init()  //also need for destroy()

    My fix was to add this code:

    def cleanup() {
    private void destroyTransaction(GrailsTestTransactionInterceptor interceptor){
      if (interceptor?.isTransactional(this)) interceptor.destroy()

    To work around for now, you can just create your own com.myname.IntegrationSpec with the patched code and extend that instead of grails.test.spock.IntegrationSpec. Not ideal... but it works :)