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Render 2D blocky map - LibGDX

I have trouble to render a 2d blocky map.
Here how the 2d map array created :

map = new Block[w * h];

The block class contains 2 variables - size( H:100px, W:100px), and image texture.

Ok, so how should I render it? I mean lets say the player is walking in the map, how should i make the map move / scroll effect.

I tried to loop through the map and render it but without any luck. because i need somehow to slice the block when i render it and i dont have any idea how to do that.
I really need help and it will be very appreciated!


  • This:

    map = new Block[w * h];

    Should be a 2d array:

    map = new Block[w][h];

    Or I am misunderstanding?

    • Ok, so how should I render it?
      If each block has an image texture then just loop through it, something like this:

      for(int i=0; i<w; i++){
          for(int j=0; j<h; j++){
              Block b = map[i][j];
              spritebatcher.draw(b.texture, i*b.W, j*b.H);
    • how should i make the map move / scroll effect?
      Technically the map won't scroll. You move your player and the camera will follow him/her.

      camera.position.set(player.position.x, player.position.y, 0);
    • i need somehow to slice the block when i render it and i dont have any idea how to do that.
      I'm afraid I don't understand this particular issue.