I know how to use AND type of query in pandas HDFStore.select, but how can I use OR?
for example, I have the following code
import pandas as pd
df1 = pd.DataFrame({'A': randn(100),
'B': randn(100),
'C': randn(100).cumsum()},
index=pd.bdate_range(end=pd.Timestamp('20131031 23:59:00'), periods=100))
df1.to_hdf('testHDF.h5', 'testVar1', format='table', data_columns=True, append=True)
Then I can use the following to partially load from this dataset
store = pd.HDFStore('testHDF.h5')
store.select('testVar1', [pd.Term('index', '>=', pd.Timestamp('20131017')), 'A > 0'])
store.select('tableVar2', where=('A > 0', 'B > 0', 'index >= 20131017'))
Apparently, it is using AND to combine all the criteria I provided, such as ('A > 0' AND 'B > 0' AND 'index >= 20131017')
My question is, how can I use OR, such as the returned result is ('A > 0' OR 'B > 0')?
Thanks for any help
in 0.12, you have to concat the result of selecting multiple criteria (keeping in mind that you may generate duplicates)
In [9]: pd.concat([store.select('testVar1', where=('A > 0', 'index >= 20131017')),
store.select('testVar1', where=('B > 0', 'index >= 20131017'))]).drop_duplicates().sort_index()
2013-10-17 0.156248 0.085911 10.238636
2013-10-22 -0.125369 0.335910 10.865678
2013-10-23 -2.531444 0.690332 12.335883
2013-10-24 -0.266777 0.501257 13.529781
2013-10-25 0.815413 -0.629418 14.690554
2013-10-28 0.383213 -0.587026 13.589094
2013-10-31 1.897674 0.361764 14.595062
[7 rows x 3 columns]
In 0.13/master (0.13rc1 is out!), you can just do a very natural query
In [10]: store.select('testVar1', where='(A > 0 | B > 0) & index >= 20131017')
2013-10-17 0.156248 0.085911 10.238636
2013-10-22 -0.125369 0.335910 10.865678
2013-10-23 -2.531444 0.690332 12.335883
2013-10-24 -0.266777 0.501257 13.529781
2013-10-25 0.815413 -0.629418 14.690554
2013-10-28 0.383213 -0.587026 13.589094
2013-10-31 1.897674 0.361764 14.595062
[7 rows x 3 columns]