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How to get the full filename from ProjectItems?

My code, which has been working right on another computer fails at FullPath and FileName points. The error is:

'object' does not contain a definition for 'FullPath' and no extension method 'FullPath' accepting a first argument of type 'object' could be found.

The code is :

var sftp = new Tamir.SharpSsh.Sftp(direction);
foreach( var fileName in  sftp.GetFileList(Properties.Settings.Default.DirectorioFtp) )
    byte[] fichero;
    sftp.Get(fileName.FullPath, out fichero);

    var enc = new UTF7Encoding();
    string str = enc.GetString(fichero);

    ProcessFile(fileName.Filename, str);

I have loaded Tamir.SharpSSh succesfully, but I don't know if another library is needed or how to make filename of the necessary type.


  • The source code for Tamir.SharpSSH.Sftp at says that GetFileList returns an ArrayList of Strings (as Objects, because ArrayList is not a "generic" collection), and there is no FullPath property of String.

    So there's no way that code could ever have worked with a non-modified version of the SharpSSH library. You need to check if the version on the other computer where this supposedly worked was a modified version.