What is the difference between ::
and .
in pig
When do I use one vs the other?
E.g., I know that ::
is need in join
when a field exists in both aliases:
A = foreach (join B by (x), C by (y)) generate B::y as b_y, C::y as c_y;
and I need .
when accessing group
A = foreach (group B by (x,y)) generate group.x as x, group.y as y, SUM(B?z) as z;
However, do I pass B::z
or B.z
to SUM
above instead of B?z
IIRC you get ::
as a side effect after some statements. You cannot bother about it, unless (as you mentioned) a name exists inside two different prefixes.
The .
is different in that you are going inside the structure.
group.x as x, group.y as y
is equivalent to FLATTEN(group)
- here you should do SUM(B.z)
, to specify that you need a particular field to SUM