I installed REPL on sublime 2 I'm trying to get a user input by running a sample code such as
puts "hello"
a = gets
for example.
pressing cmd+b
just shows me the output but not prompting me for any input. what am I missing?
SublimeREPL does not work through the Build (⌘B) system, but through a separate set of keybindings:
- Evaluate in REPL:
- ctrl+,, s Selection
- ctrl+,, f File
- ctrl+,, l Lines
- ctrl+,, b Block
- Transfer in REPL (just copy, without evaluating it):
- ctrl+shift+,, s Selection
- ctrl+shift+,, f File
- ctrl+shift+,, l Lines
- ctrl+shift+,, b Block
Note: ctrl+,, f means: press Ctrl and Comma, release all, press F.
For transferring/evaluating a file, make sure that it is saved first. If you would like to see the code you transfer before it is evaluated, set "show_transferred_text": true
in your SublimeREPL preferences - Sublime Text 2 -> Preferences -> Package Settings -> SublimeREPL -> Settings - User
NOTE You need to start your REPL before transferring/evaluating code.