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Open Chrome bookmark app in new window

I am trying to build a bookmark app for Chrome by following the instructions here. This is the sample manifest.json:

  "manifest_version": 2,
  "name": "Google Apps Certification app",
  "description": "Link to Google Apps Certification website",
  "version": "1.1",
  "icons": {
    "128": "128.png"
  "app": {
    "urls": [
    "launch": {
      "web_url": ""
  "permissions": [

It works fine for my page, but I like to open it in a separate window (which gives it a standalone impression on the Chromebook). Is this possible by just changing the json? I can't seem to find the relevant documentation on this...


  • According to this guide the container property (inside launch) and set it to panel, e.g.:

    "apps": {
        "launch" {
            "web_url": "",
            "container": "panel",
            /*optional*/ "height": xxx,
            /*optional*/ "width": yyy

    BTW, are you sure you are after a hosted app (i.e. points to an already deployed and externally hosted web-app) and not a packaged app (i.e. includes all necessary code in a .crx package and is locally installed and deployed) ?

    A packaged app can declare a background script, which can handle the event, which grants more freedom on how you launch your app, e.g.:

    /* `In manifest.json`: */
    "app": {
        "background": {
            "scripts": ["background.js"]
    /* In `background.js`: */ {'main.html', {
            bounds: {
                width: 800,
                height: 600,
                left: 100,
                top: 100
            minWidth: 800,
            minHeight: 600,

    For the full list of available options, take a look here.

    For an overview of packaged apps, you can start here.