I have multiple procedures that accept XML parameters (I know I could use a TVP instead, but it fits with an older approach where the application also passes XML).
The following code populates a table from XML:
DECLARE @tmp TABLE (userID int, colA int);
DECLARE @xml XML = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
<row userId="1" colA="234" />
<row userId="1" colB="564" />
<row userId="1" colA="252" />
(userID, colA)
u.n.value('@userId', 'int'),
u.n.value('@colA', 'int')
@xml.nodes('/rows/row') AS u (n);
Note however that the second line of XML doesn't actually have a colA element. I know this creates a NULL in the table, but in my app, NULL values are permitted.
userID colA
----------- -----------
1 234
1 252
So, is there any way to perform some type of check in TSQL (like this) before the data is populated?
For each XML row
If (userId element does not exist) OR (colA element does not exist) Then
RAISERROR (caught by BEGIN/END TRAN within procedures/calling procedure)
You can use SQLXML exist
for that:
select @xml.exist('rows/row[not(@colA)]')
will return 1
if there's a row which doesn't have colA
attribute. So you can use something like
if @xml.exist('rows/row[not(@colA)]') = 1
-- raiserror here