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What is metadata? How do I create a metadata and how do I associate it to a Cloud target using Vuforia?

I modified sample CloudRecog code for my own code. I created cloud database and get AccessKeys then copied this keys to CloudReco.cpp file. What should i use for metadata. I didn't understand this. Then when i was reading sample code i saw this line: private static final String mServerURL = "". How to get my metaData url?


  • EDIT: this is in response to the first part of your question,: "What should i use for metadata" (not the second part about how to find the URL)

    Based on their documentation (

    The metadata is passed to the application whenever the Cloud Reco target is recognized. It is up to the developer to determine the content of this metadata – Vuforia treats it as a blob and just passes it along to the application. The maximum size of the uploadable metadata is 150kByte.

    I added some debugging in their CloudRecognition app and saw that the payload (presumably the meta-data) they return when "recognizing" an image is:

        "thumburl": "",
        "author": "Karina Borland",
        "your price": "43.15",
        "title": "Cloud Recognition in Vuforia",
        "average rating": "4",
        "# of ratings": "41",
        "targetid": "a47d2ea6b762459bb0aed1ae9dbbe405",
        "bookurl": "",
        "list price": "43.99"