I have the following code:
var layern2 = new OpenLayers.Layer.MapServer("Tech",
map: "ServerPathTo_My.map"
isBaseLayer: false,
layer: "Layer1",
version: "1.1.1",
transparent: "true",
visibility: true
That does not render a non-transparent layer without images (all titles are rendered with a missing image icon on the upper left corner).
But the following code does render everything in the correct way:
var layern2 = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS("Tech",
"ServerPathTo_mapserv.exe?map=ServerPathTo_My.map&REQUEST=getmap&VERSION=1.1.1&LAYERS=Layer1&FORMAT=PNG", { layers: 'Layer1', TRANSPARENT: 'TRUE' });
Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong?
The 2d argument are options for the MapServer's layer, and the 3rd argument are options for the OpenLayers's layer.
var layern2 = new OpenLayers.Layer.MapServer("Tech",
map: "ServerPathTo_My.map",
layer: "Layer1",
version: "1.1.1",
transparent: "true"
isBaseLayer: false,
visibility: true