I'm writing code for in app purchase in iOS on my cocos2dx game. I want to call my C++ function from Obj C. I can call C++ static function by using *.mm implementation file Obj-C++. But I want to update user interface while the purchasing progress. I've tried to create a singleton class, but the Obj-C still not recognize the function from the singleton object.
C++ : SceneAcc.cpp
void SceneAcc::stateChecker()
if(BridgeObjCpp::sharedBridge()->isPurchasing == false)
// There is an update scheduler to check if the purchase phase done
C++ : BridgeObjCpp.mm
BridgeObjCpp* BridgeObjCpp::sharedBridge(){
if (! s_bridge) {
s_bridge = new BridgeObjCpp();
return s_bridge;
// Init singleton object
// And bool isPurchasing property in the header
- (void)completeTransaction:(SKPaymentTransaction *)transaction {
NSLog(@"Complete Transaction...");
// I want something like this
BridgeObjCpp::sharedBridge()->isPurchase = true;
[[SKPaymentQueue defaultQueue] removeTransactionObserver:self];
[[SKPaymentQueue defaultQueue]finishTransaction:transaction];
You need to modify either BridgeObjCpp.mm or IAPManager.m.
@interface BridgeObjCpp : NSObject
@implementation BridgeObjCpp
+(void)setPurchasing:(BOOL)purchasing {
BridgeObjCpp::sharedBridge()->isPurchase = purchasing ;
[BridgeObjCpp setPurchasing:YES];
Note: In .mm files compiler expect a mixture of objective C and C++ codes. In .m files it expect only objective C code. So please do the coding respectively.