I was just creating a slide out control using Appcelerator Titanium.
What I have done:
I added a button on the view and added it on the window.
// Create a Button.
var Animate = Ti.UI.createButton({
title : 'Animate',
height : 'auto',
width : 'auto',
top : 'auto',
left : 'auto'
// Listen for click events.
Animate.addEventListener('click', function() {
var matrix = Ti.UI.create2DMatrix();
if(flag) //Initially the flag is set to true
matrix = matrix.translate(100,0);
matrix = matrix.translate(0,0);
flag = !flag;
var a = Ti.UI.createAnimation({
transform : matrix,
duration : 1000,
//autoreverse : true,
//repeat : 3
// Add to the parent view.
self.add(Animate); //Here self is my view
Expected Output
Actual output:
Initial Screen
When I click on button, is Slide Out:
When I click to reset, Issue happens:
I tried a lot of methods, but nothing helped me. At-last I did the following and it worked.
Instead of adding animation to view I added that to it's window and changed the code little bit like.
var firstView = new FirstView();
var xy = 0;
// Create a Button.
var Animate = Ti.UI.createButton({
title : 'Animate',
height : 100,
width : 100,
top : 0,
left : 0
// Listen for click events.
Animate.addEventListener('click', function() {
var xy = 0;
var matrix = Ti.UI.create2DMatrix();
xy = 100;
matrix = matrix.translate(100,0);
xy = 0;
matrix = matrix.translate(0,0);
flag = !flag;
var a = Ti.UI.createAnimation({
duration : 1000,
firstView.left = 0;
self.animate(a); //self is the parent window
// Add to the parent