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Generate dynamic pie chart on click event on a stacked line chart IN DOJO

I am using Dojo to generate alternate chart on click event of previous chart.

Firstly, i am drawing stacked line chart(say for Customers) and on clicking one of the line i need to draw another pie chart for further details of that Customer(say revenue by that customer). All that is happening for a single line chart.

Here Problem is to find id for that particular line, now i am getting array of ids for all plotted lines. Following graph is drawn for three Customers.

enter image description here And Following I am presenting my code :

 var colorArray =["#2cabe2","#57E964","#736AFF","#B93B8F","#151B8D","#EE9A4D",...];
 for(var i =0 ; i<length ; i++)
         chart.addSeries(response.legend + " "+ i,[i],{color: colorArray[i]});

 chart.connectToPlot("default", function(evt) {
        var shape = evt.shape, type = evt.type;
        if (type == "onclick") {
          url="/ritl/chart/getProcessPieData.htm?customerId="+dijit.byId('customerId').get('value');   // url to the next (pie) chart in the same jsp.  
          processPie(url);         // calling function for pie Chart


Data Response is in the form of JSONArray. JSON pattern is as:


How to find out the individual id for the line in the above Chart. Suggest me to get out of this situation. Thanks in advance for active suggestions..


  • What about something like the following in your connectPlot callback:[event.index].customerID