I have a ToolStrip with a ToolStripDropDownButton to which I am adding ToolStripMenuItems in run time in my code. I need to have a default ContextMenuStrip and assign it to each menu item so when the user right clicks a menu item he will get that context menu strip. Is it possible ?
I appreciate your help.
I found a good solution at: enter link description here
To save you the reading I also add the solutuin here:
void MenuItemContext(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left) return;
ToolStripMenuItem mID = (ToolStripMenuItem)sender;
ContextMenu tsmiContext = new ContextMenu();
MenuItem Item1 = new MenuItem();
MenuItem Item2 = new MenuItem();
Item1.Text = "Item1";
Item2.Text = "Item2";
Item1.Click += new EventHandler(Item1_Click);
Item2.Click += new EventHandler(Item2_Click);
hndPass = mID.Text;
tsmiContext.Show(menuStrip1, menuStrip1.PointToClient(new Point(Cursor.Position.X, Cursor.Position.Y)));
private String hndPass;
void Item1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
MenuItem mID = (MenuItem)sender;
MessageBox.Show("You clicked " + mID.Text + " in the context menu of " + hndPass);
void Item2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
MenuItem mID = (MenuItem)sender;
MessageBox.Show("You clicked " + mID.Text + " in the context menu of " + hndPass); ;
Have fun (-: