Using TypeScript, AMD, "requirejs", "breeze" but not "angular", I just upgraded from Breeze 1.4.0 to 1.4.6. Now, when "breeze" is loaded, it also tries to load "angular" which fails with...
Module name "angular" has not been loaded yet for context: _.
Use require([])
The problem seems to result from Breeze executing the following line.
var ng = core.requireLib("angular");
What have I done wrong so this code is executed anyway? Why does Breeze think that Angular has to be loaded?
When replacing the above line with the following, anything works fine.
var ng = undefined;
I'm having trouble reproducing this.
True, due to a peculiarity in the Breeze code, Breeze will execute the following line even when angular is not present
var ng = core.requireLib("angular");
... and that will fail with
Module name "angular" has not been loaded yet for context
because it can't find a library called angular.js (I assume you don't have it)
But that failure occurs inside another function (__requireLibCore
) within a try/catch
function __requireLibCore(libName) {
var lib;
try {
if (this.window) {
if (window.require) {
lib = window.require(libName);
if (lib) return lib;
} catch(e) {
return lib;
Are you seeing some other code path in which this error is thrown?
Thanks, @mgs, for your email explaining how you saw the exception. I summarize for those who read this later.
Breeze started looking for AngularJS in v.1.4.6. To be perfectly clear, Breeze does not need angular; it just wants to know if angular is available. Breeze doesn’t need knockout, jQuery or Q either. But under varying circumstances it may look for these libraries and use them if it finds them.
AFAIK there is no other way in requireJS to detect if a module has been loaded then to call require("angular")
. Unfortunately, require("angular")
throws an exception when it can't find that module.
Breeze itself does not fail because that call is caught in a try/catch. Many (most?) devs will never see this exception.
But @mgs has attached a requirejs.onError
event handler ... which I hasten to add is a good practice. Of course his handler will see the "angular not found" exception even though Breeze caught it and moved on. He writes:
That “requirejs.onError” function is called, when Breeze tries to load Angular. In the real program this causes an entry into the log, and alarm bells are ringing. It was this entry that made me ask the question on StackOverflow.
What to do? I don't think Breeze can do anything unless someone knows a way to detect a loaded module without triggering the requirejs.onError
event. I think it is up to the developer to compensate.
I recommend teaching your handler to ignore Breeze's attempt to find angular. Don't sound the "alarm bell" for this particular failure.
Alternatively, you could define a dummy module, as @mgs, did so that require finds an "angular" module. I'm not fond of this approach because it fools Breeze into believing that Angular is available and Breeze might act on that misunderstanding in the future. It's harmless today but who knows about tomorrow.
In any event, the mystery has been explained and suitable workarounds are now known. Thanks, @mgs, for the opportunity to explore this subject.
We just released Breeze v.1.4.7 which includes the change you recommended ... using require.defined
to check first if a module is loaded. Works like a charm.
I took the occasion to re-write the Todo-Require sample such that everything is loaded in a single require script line:
<!-- Require + main. All scripts retrieved async by requireJS -->
<script data-main="Scripts/app/main" src="Scripts/require.js"></script>
The documentation explains how it all works.
Thanks for your question and feedback.