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adding a class to EditorFor - razor c#

(The editor is for a DateTime property called "ADate"

I am trying this but it does not work.

@Html.EditorFor(model => model.ADate, new { cssClass = "date" } )

So I tried this:

@Html.TextBoxFor(model => model.ADate, new { @class = "date" })

but it outputs type = text.. ofcourse it does.

So I tried a template... I added a folder in shared:


and then I created a .cshtml partial view called Date.cshtml

Now what on earth do I put inside it :O...

I have tried to understand lots of posts and stack overflow entries but it's not sinking in.

The goal is to attach a datepicker to the class ".date" across the entire app where ".date" class is used... The TextBoxFor works with my adding class part... but as I said, the type changes from date to text :(


  • Ok so this is what you can do:

    In your EditorTemplates folder create a template called DateTime.cshml (the name will resolve automatically if you use it for dates, otherwise you have to specify it when using it). Then in it:

    @model System.DateTime
       new { @class="datepicker", @type = "date"})

    Using the last parameter you can specify any html attribute (class, data, type etc.).

    Then you use it like this:

    @Html.EditorFor(x => x.ADate)

    In case you chose to name your template with a different name you can specify it by invoking another overload:

    @Html.EditorFor(x => x.ADate, "MyOtherAwesomeTemplate")