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Extract CAB file in visual basic. Possible?

I have been doing some research over the past couple days for a requirement to attach an InfoPath file (.xsn), convert it to a .cab and extract all the files from it. I cannot seem to find any good code snippets that allow this to happen. The majority of threads that i've come across thus far requires the use of a third party software which I want to avoid at all costs. I am thinking that I need to use a batch file to do the extraction. I have not been able to find any good posts or threads on this (that work).

Any helpful input or posts of how to accomplish this via Visual Basic or a batch file is much appreciated.


  • You will have to Add a reference to Microsoft Shell Controls and Automation. Once that is done, see this code snipet:

            Dim sc As New Shell32.Shell()
        Dim output As Shell32.Folder = sc.NameSpace("C:\test")
        Dim input As Shell32.Folder = sc.NameSpace("C:\")
        output.CopyHere(input.Items, 4)

    This should do the trick.