Search code examples

Is is possible to search gmail via imap for multiple X-GM-THRIDs in one request?

I have many X-GM-THRIDs for which I want to retreive the list of uids for those threads. describes how to find these for a single X-GM-THRID. However, it would be nice if I could make one request for all of the X-GM-THRIDs that I want the data for. When I try this, I only get error codes.

Does anyone know if this is possible?

I'm using python and doing something like:

res, ids = imap_conn.uid('search', 'X-GM-THRID', thread_id)
# this works fine.

But I'd like to do something like:

res, ids = imap_conn.uid('search', 'X-GM-THRID', [thread_id1, thread_id2])


after @max's answer, I'm now doing something like this:

res, ids = imap_conn.uid(
    'search', None, 
    '(OR (OR (X-GM-THRID 123) X-GM-THRID 456) X-GM-THRID 789)')
# 123, 456, 789 are fake gmail thread ids

I'm not sure exactly what or how gmail limits search length - I think it's probably number of characters rather than number of 'OR's in the query. I can get away with about 9 before gmail starts returning errors.


  • You would need to add "or" qualifiers and then build an extended search query. See RFC 3501 for search format.