I am Trying to add an image to an existing button..I have done that to an extent, the problem is I can add an ownerdrawn Image but am not able to add the extact image that I want.. for the example see the below code
CButton* pBtn= (CButton*)GetDlgItem(ID_WIZBACK);
pBtn->ModifyStyle( 0, BS_ICON );
HICON hIcn= (HICON)LoadImage(
0,0, // use actual size
pBtn->SetIcon( hIcn );
with the above code am converting the bitmap to an icon to add to my button...how can I add the exact Bitmap image directly to an existing button.Please help me frnds..
I actually fixed the problem..what I did is I replaced the HICON with HBITMAP and its working perfect...basically both would work fine but in my case when I loaded the icon into the button the background of the icon was not changing...I tried Bitmap then it work great. Now am working on positioning the Image and to add text...think I could go through