Having some issues with code which used to work pre-1.8.2 version of C# MongoDB Driver:
With previous releases of the driver, I could do something like:
private MongoCursorEnumerator<T> InitializeCursor()
var cursor = _queue.Find(Query.GT("_id", _lastId));
return MongoCursorEnumerator<T>cursor.GetEnumerator();
Now, this code generates exception:
Unable case type "d__0" to type "MongoDB.Driver.MongoCursorEnumerator`1".
Need the cast to MongoCursorEnumerator because it has the property IsDead which is used later in the code for re-initializing the cursor. Somehow, up-casting to MongoCursorEnumerator no longer works. Anyone know why this is happening or what would be the possible fix to this?
From V1.8 on you have to use the constructor of MongoCursorEnumerator.
return new MongoCursorEnumerator<T>(cursor);
Unfortunately there is no hint in the documentation - you have to look at the source code :-/