I am new in programming and could not find an answer.
I have following dimensions(tables) and fact table:
I must have report as: HomeRegion, Hour, RegionName, UserPercentage.
As shown in the example, only 3.67% people whose home region is A move to B at 9am and so on.
I should create simular one.
The problem is obtainig UserPercentage. Here is the code I did so far.
SELECT c.HomeRegion, mt.myhour as Time, r.RegionName as CurrentRegion,
/*number of users who move from their home
region to CurrentRegion at specific time*/
)/COUNT(c.CustomerId)*100 as UserPercentage
FROM dbo.FactTable ft
inner join dbo.Customer c
ON ft.CustomerId = c.CustomerId
inner join dbo.myTime mt
ON ft.TimeId = mt.ID
inner join dbo.Regions r
ON ft.RegionId = r.RegionId
WHERE mt.myhour = '09'
GROUP BY c.HomeRegion, mt.myhour, r.RegionName
ORDER BY c.HomeRegion, r.RegionName
Using the analytical functions
* no need to select or groupby myHour constant
* assuming one Customer should be located in 1 region at once (if not - it would be much harder to select)
select HomeRegion, CurrentRegion,
count(*) / count(*) over () as overall_share,
count(*) / count(*) over (partition by HomeRegion) as homeregion_share,
(SELECT c.HomeRegion, r.RegionName as CurrentRegion, c.CustomerId as CUST
FROM dbo.FactTable ft
inner join dbo.Customer c
ON ft.CustomerId = c.CustomerId
inner join dbo.myTime mt
ON ft.TimeId = mt.ID
inner join dbo.Regions r
ON ft.RegionId = r.RegionId
WHERE mt.myhour = '09'
GROUP BY c.HomeRegion, r.RegionName, c.CustomerId) uni_users
GROUP by HomeRegion, CurrentRegion