I am looking for a simple way to create an excel or CSV file from a .po localization file.
I couldn't find any via Google, so i'm thinking of writing it myself in PHP. The PO file has such structure
msgid "Titre" msgstr "Titre"
So i guess i need my PHP script to parse the .po file looking for "the first bit of text between comma after each occurrence of the keyword msgstr".
I assume that's the job for a regex, so i tried that, but it does not return anything:
$po_file = '/path/to/messages.po';
die("you got the filepath wrong dude.");
$str = file_get_contents($po_file);
// find all occurences of msgstr "SOMETHING"
preg_match('@^msgstr "([^/]+)"@i', $str, $matches);
$msgstr = $matches[1];
There is a nice pear library. File_Gettext
If you look at the source File/Gettext/PO.php you see the regex pattern that you'll need:
$matched = preg_match_all('/msgid\s+((?:".*(?<!\\\\)"\s*)+)\s+' .
$contents, $matches);
for ($i = 0; $i < $matched; $i++) {
$msgid = substr(rtrim($matches[1][$i]), 1, -1);
$msgstr = substr(rtrim($matches[2][$i]), 1, -1);
$this->strings[parent::prepare($msgid)] = parent::prepare($msgstr);
Or just use the pear lib:
include 'File/Gettext/PO.php';
$po = new File_Gettext_PO();
$poArray = $po->toArray();
foreach ($poArray['strings'] as $msgid => $msgstr) {
// write your csv as you like...