I have this issue which I am unable to fix. I have an ext-plugin which overrides my portal-ext.rpoperties file (and I don't want this overriding) with another blank portal-ext file. There is no portal-ext.properties file in my ext-plugin but still every time when I deploy, this happens.
Any kind of help would be appreciated.
This is the response which i got from Liferay support department and it solves my problem. I am sharing here so it could be helpful to any other.
"Where is the portal-ext.properties file located in your system?
In WEB-INF/classes or in ${liferay.home}/portal-ext.properties?"
If it's in WEB-INF/classes, simply move your portal-ext.properties into ${liferay.home}/portal-ext.properties location. If it's the same, you can place your portal-ext.properties into your EXT plugin, so the original will be copied into the system instead of the empty one.
You can also add include-and-override lines in the empty portal-ext.properties and rename your original file to be loaded after portal-ext.properties, or you can use different properties file and specify it to the JVM to load. See the relevant part from portal.properties file:
Properties Override
# Specify where to get the overridden properties. Updates should not be made
# on portal.properties or on portal-bundle.properties, but in
# portal-ext.properties.
# The default read order is: portal.properties, portal-bundle.properties,
# portal-ext.properties, and then portal-setup-wizard.properties.
# Each portal instance can have its own overriden property file following
# the convention portal-companyWebId.properties. To enable this feature, set
# the "company-id-properties" system property to true.
# To enable:
# java ... -Dcompany-id-properties=true
# The read order will now be: portal.properties, then portal-ext.properties,
# and then portal-liferay.com.properties.
# Note that not all properties can have different values per company. This
# functionality is only available for legacy reasons. The preferred way to
# configure a portal instance is through the Control Panel.
# Additional property files can be used by setting the "external-properties"
# system property.
# A common use case is to keep legacy property values when upgrading to
# newer versions of Liferay. To enable:
# java ... -Dexternal-properties=portal-legacy-5.1.properties
# The read order will now be: portal.properties, then portal-ext.properties,
# and then portal-legacy-5.1.properties.