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How does the SqlCommand handle parameters with integer types?

If I have this variable:

int value = 4;

which is to be passed as some sql parameter:

SqlCommand sqlcmd = new SqlCommand();
sqlcmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@value", value));

Will it be converted to string and handled automatically? or could it possibly cause some trouble? ie. when I do this:



  • Always provide the correct type, especially int is dangerous.

    From MSDN:

    Use caution when you use this overload of the SqlParameter constructor to specify integer parameter values. Because this overload takes a value of type Object, you must convert the integral value to an Object type when the value is zero, as the following C# example demonstrates:

    Parameter = new SqlParameter("@pname", (object)0);

    If you do not perform this conversion, the compiler assumes that you are trying to call the SqlParameter (string, SqlDbType) constructor overload.

    So if you want to use a string parameter, convert it to the correct type:

    sqlcmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@value", value.ToString()));


    sqlcmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@value", value.ToString());

    or (with the type)

    var p = new SqlParameter("@value", typeof(string));
    p.Value = value.ToString()