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Haskell, lambda calculus for Evaluation

Figure 1

(Figure 1)

A part of the simply typed lambda calculus (Figure 1), it is implemented in Haskell as given below.

 evaluate expression = do
        case expression of
        (Application (Lambda x ltype term) value) | isValue value = True -> substitute term x value
        (Application value e2) | isValue value = True  -> let e22 = evaluate e2 in Application value e22
        (Application  e1 e2) -> let e11 = evaluate e1 in Application e11 e2

However, this doesn't work for these test cases,

1) print (evaluate (Application (Var "x") (Var "y")))

2) print (evaluate (Application (Constant 3) (Var "y")) "(Constant 3) is a value"

But, for the first test case, I know it's because (Var "x") as e1 is terminal so it cannot transition. Does it mean I should add a Stuck case? But I want to return an output suggesting the success of the transitions, if that's possible.

Thank you in advance...


  • If you're implementing your lambda calculus AST as something like

    data Exp = Var String
             | Constant Int
             | App Exp Exp
             | Lam String Exp

    then the interpreter evaluate :: Exp -> Out can produce a number of values, some the result of poorly typed input. For instance

    evaluate (Lam "f" (Lam "x" (App (Var "f") (Var "x")))
    -- type like (a -> b) -> a -> b
    evaluate (Var "x")
    -- open term, evaluation gets stuck
    evaluate (App (Lam "x" (Constant 4)) (Constant 3))
    -- term results in a constant

    We'll need to represent all of these types in the return type. A typical way to do that is to use a universal type like

    data Out
      = Stuck
      | I Int
      | F (Out -> Out)

    which again emphasizes the need for the stuck case. If we examine the App branch of evaluate

    evaluate (App e1 e2) = case evaluate e1 of
      Stuck -> Stuck
      I i   -> Stuck
      F f   -> f (evaluate e2)

    show's how Stuck cases both rise to the top and can arise from poorly typed terms.

    There are many ways to write a well-typed simply-typed lambda calculus type in Haskell. I'm quite fond of the Higher-Order Abstract Syntax Final Encoding. It's wonderfully symmetric.

    class STLC rep where
      lam :: (rep a -> rep b) -> rep (a -> b)
      app :: rep (a -> b) -> (rep a -> rep b)
      int :: Int -> rep Int
    newtype Interpreter a = Reify { interpret :: a } -- just the identity monad
    instance STLC Interpreter where
      lam f   = Reify $ interpret . f . Reify
      app f a = Reify $ interpret f $ interpret a
      int     = Reify

    In this formulation, it's not possible at all to write a type of STLC rep => rep a which isn't well-typed and never-sticking. The type of interpret indicates this as well

    interpret :: Interpreter a -> a

    No Out-type in sight.