A rough definition of a data structure is that it allows you to store data and apply a set of operations on that data while preserving consistency of data before and after the operation. However some people insist that a primitive variable like 'int' can also be considered as a data structure. I get that part where it allows you to store data but I guess the operation part is missing. Primitive variables don't have operations attached to them. So I feel that unless you have a set of operations defined and attached to it you cannot call it a data structure. 'int' doesn't have any operation attached to it, it can be operated upon with a set of generic operators.
Please advise if I got something wrong here.
To say that something is structured implies that there is a form or formatting that defines HOW the data is structured. Note this has nothing to do with how the data is actually stored. You could for example create a data structure that exists entirely within a single Integer, yet represents a number of different values.
A data structure is an arbitrary construct used to describe how to store data in a system. It may be as simple as a single primitive, or as complex as a class. So the answer is largely subjective. It's "yes" if you decide to use a primitive as such, that a simple primitive may be considered a primitive data structure, because it describes HOW you wish to store an element of data. The answer is also "no", because it describes an element of a structure and not necessarily the whole structure in itself.
As for how this relates to operations, strictly speaking a data structure has nothing to do with behaviour, it is simply a storage mechanism. Preserving consistency of data is really a behavioural thing. Yes, your compiler probably spits out errors if you try to shoe-horn a 32-bit value into a Byte, but that's symptomatic of the behaviour of the system (Ie: compilation) acting on the data structure of your application, of which your primitives are an element.