I have a table derived from base class. So, the derived table will have same id as base table. like
public class Animal
public int AnimalId{get; set;}
public string Name{get;set;}
public class Man:Animal
//Primary key as well as foreign key will be AnimalId.
public string Communicate{get;set;}
Now, although I can use ManId as the primary key in the database and use fluent api to let the classes know that the ManId is Base class AnimalId, I have no way to striaghtway use ManId in my poco classes and in programming.
So, I used viewmodel, gave the property name ManId for using in my classes and views. I am using ValueInjector to map between model and viewmodel.
The problem I am stuck in and seeking the solution whole morning is: valueinjector could not inject the AnimalId to ManId as the name is not the same.
I found that the solution could be .. using conventioninjection to override the defaults but I could not implement it properly.
public class PropertyMismatch:ConventionInjection
protected override bool Match(ConventionInfo c)
return ((c.TargetProp.Name == "ManId" && c.SourceProp.Name == "AnimalId") ||
(c.SourceProp.Name==c.TargetProp.Name && c.SourceProp.Value==c.TargetProp.Value));
If any one knows the solution, it should be of great help to me. Thanx very much in advance to all the viewers and solvers.
Try this:
class Program
static void Main( string[] args )
Animal animal = new Animal() { AnimalId = 1, Name = "Man1" };
Man man = new Man();
man.InjectFrom<Animal>( animal );
public class Animal:ConventionInjection
public int AnimalId { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
protected override bool Match( ConventionInfo c )
return ((c.SourceProp.Name == "AnimalId") && (c.TargetProp.Name == "ManId"));
public class Man : Animal
public int ManId { get; set; }
public string Communicate { get; set; }