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How to install sbt-idea and use gen-idea

I have downloaded and installed sbt and plugin for gen-idea. But the built projects can not be run on idea. Also the "project" folder is not generated when I run gen-idea. Can someone please tell me how I should install sbt and sbt-idea plugin and configure it, as I think the problem here is configuring.


  • In all sbt projects you have a project folder (in the root of your project directory). You need to create there a file called - plugins.sbt and place there:

    resolvers += "Sonatype snapshots" at ""
    addSbtPlugin("com.github.mpeltonen" % "sbt-idea" % "1.6.0-SNAPSHOT")

    Notice that i have a blank line between. Then, if you have an opened sbt session call reload command, you can call gen-idea to generate idea files, also i recomend to add sbt-classifiers to download sources.

    Otherwise you can make this plugin visible globally to all your sbt project, by placing the same two line in the ~/.sbt/0.13/plugins/build.sbt file.

    When you have generated this project, in IDEA choose Open Project and choose your newly generated project. This should work, if not, provide some additional info.