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JasperReports Server / iReport query not showing correct data

So here is a example of the exact query I want that displays the correct data.

select *
from `aaaa`
inner join `bbbb` on (`bbbb`.`bleble` = `aaaa`.`bleble`)
inner join `cccc` on (`cccc`.`bleble` = `bbbb`.`bleble`)
where `aaaa`.`ID` = 7294 
and `bbbb`.`langauge_id` = 3 
and `cccc`.`startdate` <= '2013-12-05' 
group by aaaa.ID
order by aaaa.ID

I've setup iReport 5.0.0 to give me exactly that

When I run the report exactly the above query gets printed to the jasperserver logs (except for the Group by and Order by lines)

In iReport I added a Report group aaaa.ID and the report is ordered by aaaa.ID

But the only about a 1/8th of the data that should show is showing in JasperReports Server.

I'm assuming the issue is with the group by because the query in the logs is identical to the one i need except for that group by (which I added in iReport)

Why is the data in JR Server not showing correctly?


  • The problem was jasperserver had a default row limit set of 2,000,000

    I raised that limmit to 6,000,000 and BOOOM !!! it works now :)