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Build Dynamic Select using Expression Trees

How would I generate the following using expression trees...

var people = context.Set<Person>();
var transactions = context.Set<FinancialTransaction>();

var dataview = people.Where( p => p.LastName == "Smith" );

var selection = dataview
        .Select( p => new
            FirstName = p.FirstName,
            LastName = p.LastName,
            LastTransaction =
                    .Where( t => t.AuthorizedPersonId == p.Id )
                    .Max( t => t.TransactionDateTime )
        } );

gReport.AutoGenerateColumns = true;
gReport.DataSource = selection.ToList();

I'm trying to use the LinqRuntimeTypeBuilder solution that Ethan Brown provided here but struggling with how to create the expression for the LastTransaction sub-query and how to bind the query to the GridView.

This is what I have so far...

var people = context.Set<Person>();
var transactions = context.Set<FinancialTransaction>();

var dataview = people.Where( p => p.LastName == "Smith" );

var dynamicFields = new Dictionary<string, Type>();
dynamicFields.Add( "FirstName", typeof( string ) );
dynamicFields.Add( "LastName", typeof( string ) );
dynamicFields.Add( "LastTransaction", typeof( DateTime? ) );

Type dynamicType = Rock.Data.LinqRuntimeTypeBuilder.GetDynamicType( dynamicFields );

ParameterExpression sourceItem = Expression.Parameter( dataview.ElementType, "x" );

// Is this right? if if so how do I bind it to the dynamic field????
Expression<Func<Person, DateTime>> lastTransactionSelect = a => transactions.Where( t => t.AuthorizedPersonId == a.Id && t.TransactionDateTime.HasValue ).Max( t => t.TransactionDateTime.Value );

var bindings = new List<MemberBinding>();
bindings.Add( Expression.Bind( dynamicType.GetField( "FirstName" ), Expression.Property( sourceItem, dataview.ElementType.GetProperty( "FirstName" ) ) ) );
bindings.Add( Expression.Bind( dynamicType.GetField( "LastName" ), Expression.Property( sourceItem, dataview.ElementType.GetProperty( "LastName" ) ) ) );
bindings.Add( Expression.Bind( dynamicType.GetField( "LastTransaction" ), ??? ) );

Expression selector = Expression.Lambda( Expression.MemberInit( Expression.New( dynamicType.GetConstructor( Type.EmptyTypes ) ), bindings ), sourceItem );

var query = dataview.Provider.CreateQuery(
        typeof( Queryable ),
        new Type[] { dataview.ElementType, dynamicType },
    Expression.Constant( dataview ), selector ) ).AsNoTracking();

// Can't bind directly to the query since it's a DBQuery object
gReport.DataSource = ???;


How can I create the expression for the sub-query, and then also what's the best way to bind the query to the GridView?


  • After using Reflector to evaluate how the compiler generated the linq statement, here's how I ended up creating the expression for the sub-select...

    ParameterExpression transactionParameter = Expression.Parameter(typeof(FinancialTransaction), "t");
    MemberExpression authorizedPersonIdProperty = Expression.Property(transactionParameter, "AuthorizedPersonId");
    MemberExpression transactionDateTime = Expression.Property(transactionParameter,"TransactionDateTime");
    MethodInfo whereMethod = GetWhereMethod();
    MethodInfo maxMethod = GetMaxMethod();
    var personIdCompare = new Expression[] { 
        Expression.Lambda<Func<FinancialTransaction, bool>>( Expression.Equal(authorizedPersonIdProperty, Expression.Convert(idProperty, typeof(int?))), new ParameterExpression[] { transactionParameter } ) 
    var transactionDate = Expression.Lambda<Func<FinancialTransaction, DateTime?>>( transactionDateTime, new ParameterExpression[] { transactionParameter } );
    var lastTransactionDate = Expression.Call( null, maxMethod, new Expression[] { Expression.Call( null, whereMethod, personIdCompare ), transactionDate } );
    bindings.Add( Expression.Bind( dynamicType.GetField( "LastTransaction" ), lastTransactionDate ) );
    private MethodInfo GetWhereMethod()
        Func<FinancialTransaction, bool> fake = element => default( bool );
        Expression<Func<IEnumerable<FinancialTransaction>, IEnumerable<FinancialTransaction>>> lamda = list => list.Where( fake );
        return ( lamda.Body as MethodCallExpression ).Method;
    private MethodInfo GetMaxMethod()
        Func<FinancialTransaction, DateTime?> fake = element => default( DateTime? );
        Expression<Func<IEnumerable<FinancialTransaction>, DateTime?>> lamda = list => list.Max( fake );
        return ( lamda.Body as MethodCallExpression ).Method;