I'm trying to achieve a full-window grid using this kind of layout :
I tried to divide it in smaller parts, but they seem to always overlap. Is this possible using CSS only ?
I'm using Bourbon neat grid (SASS) at the moment.
Edit: Codepen: http://codepen.io/anon/pen/IsCke I made a 3x3 grid for the left slide, and no particular grid for the right side. Everything is fitting in a 5x3 grid.
Obviously I could position everything absolutely but it doesn't feel clean or scalable. The grid is needed for RWD purposes.
Edit 2: For now I've positionned/sized every block with a 4-way absolute position, like this :
.description {
position: absolute;
top: 0%;
right: 40%;
bottom: 66.66667%;
left: 0%;
But I feel frustrated not to be able to do it with a grid.
You could make your own mixins that generates the grid you want
$cols: 5;
$rows: 3;
@mixin grid($col: 1, $row: 1, $xSize: 1, $ySize: 1) {
position: absolute;
display: block;
top: percentage(($row - 1) / $rows);
bottom: percentage($row / $rows + ($ySize / $rows));
left: percentage(($col - 1) / $cols);
right: percentage($col / $cols + ($xSize / $cols));
.first {
@include grid(1, 1, 3, 1);
.topRight {
@include grid(1, 4, 2, 2);
.middleLeft {
@include grid(1, 2);
You just have to input the top right section the bock is using and if it is large than 1x1 input its dimension. I hope my math is right. I did it in my head.