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Marklogic querying using XML string

Hi all i am trying to get this to work using CTS queries and a user input XML string that conforms to a CTS query.


let $query:=xdmp:unquote(xdmp:get-request-field('query'))
let $results:=cts:search(/,$query)

query will be

  <cts:text xml:lang="en">2013-11-18</cts:text>

What i dont understand is how come there are always no results. Using replacing $query with

let $query:=cts:element-value-query(xs:QName("date"),"2013-11-18")

always works.

So i dont understand whats the difference between a custom xml string converted with xdmp:unquote is any different from a cts:element-value-query. I have printed both of them out and they are the same.


  • takes a cts:item not an XML element. If xdmp:get-request-field('query') is expected to return serialized cts:query XML, try this:


    The /* step is necessary because xdmp:unquote returns a document node.