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UIWebView changes contentSize on iOS 7 after coming back from background

The Problem:

I have a UIWebView between my UINavigationBar and UITabBar. On iOS 7, when the app enters background and comes back again, it seems as if the contentSize property of the UIWebView changes so that there is a white block above it.

After monitoring the contentSize of the UIWebView, when the application enters foreground (I check it by observing the UIApplicationDidBecomeActiveNotification), it has 49 substracted from it's height.

Screenshot (redacted sensitive info): Redacted version of the screenshot

My Settings:

I am using a UIWebView in my UIViewController that is embedded in a UITabBarViewController that is embedded in a UINavigationController. I am using Storyboards and having "Adjust Scroll View Insets", "Resize View From NIB" and "Extend Edges Under Tob Bars" on. On the UIWebView I have unchecked "Scales Page To Fit". I am not doing anything in the viewDidAppear or viewWillAppear methods. I tested it on iOS 6, and the problem doesn't occur there. Also, I am not using auto-layout.

Relevant Code:

self.webView.scrollView.scrollEnabled = NO;
self.webView.scrollView.bounces = NO;
self.webView.scalesPageToFit = NO;

After monitoring contentSize & frame in viewDidAppear & appHasGoneInForeground:

Frame goes from 320x455 to 320x455 contentSize goes from 320x504 to 320x455

Does anyone have an idea what I am missing here and/or why this happens? Thanks for your time!


  • "I am using a UIWebView in my UIViewController that is embedded in a UITabBarViewController that is embedded in a UINavigationController".

    This is not supported by Apple. link

    ...the order of containment is important; only certain arrangements are valid. The order of containment, from child to parent, is as follows:

    Content view controllers, and container view controllers that have flexible bounds (such as the page view controller)

    Navigation view controller

    Tab bar controller

    Split view controller

    I would try a simpler and valid container arrangement first to and see if it resolves the issue. Note that even if you solve this specific issue, if you keep using your hierarchy you may still run into unexpected and possibly inconsistent UI issues.