Search code examples

Is there a suitable hook for intercepting all POSTs to an OpenACS/AOLServer system?

I'd like to disable all POSTs to an OpenACS/AOLServer installation. Is there an good singular place – a request-hook or wrapper/middleware – to do this?

(Bonus points if the intercept can let a few URI patterns or logged-in users through.)


  • Yes, this is straight forward to do. You have a choice here: you can register a proc to run instead of all POSTs, or can you register a filter to run before the POST and filter out certain users or whatever. I think the filter is a better choice.

    To do this you register your proc or filter using ns_register_proc or ns_register_filter (with preauth). Put the following code in a .tcl file under the tcl folder of an OpenACS package or under the main AOLserver /web/servername/tcl directory.

    Filter example:

    ns_register_filter preauth POST / filter_posts
    proc filter_posts {} {
        set user_id [ad_verify_and_get_user_id]
        set list_of_allowed_user_ids [21 567 8999] 
        if {[lsearch -exact $list_of_allowed_user_ids $user_id] == -1 } {
          #this user isn't allowed - so redirect them
          ns_returnredirect "/register/"
          # tell AOLserver to abort this thread
          return filter_return
        } else {
          # this user is allowed, tell AOLserver to continue
          return filter_ok

    Proc example:

     ns_register_proc POST / handle_posts
        proc handle_posts {} {
            ns_returnredirect ""