Is there a (simple) way to get the "sign" of a number (integer) in PHP comparable to gmp_sign
I remember there is some sort of compare function that can do this but I'm not able to find it at the moment.
I quickly compiled this (Demo) which does the job, but maybe there is something more nifty (like a single function call?), I would like to map the result onto an array:
$numbers = array(-100, 0, 100);
foreach($numbers as $number)
echo $number, ': ', $number ? abs($number) / $number : 0, "\n";
(Example code might run into floating point precision problems probably when number is not a number or infinity etc.)
Here's a cool one-liner that will do it for you efficiently and reliably:
function sign($n) {
return ($n > 0) - ($n < 0);