The question pretty much says it all- how could I import file2.vala
to file1.vala
You don't do it directly. If you run valac file1.vala file2.vala
, it is as if you compiled them in one big file.
If you want to make them reusable, then you probably want a shared library. In which case, you compile one to produce a C header file and a VAPI definition:
valac --vapi file1.vapi -H file1.h --library file1.vala
The second one can then consume this:
valac --pkg file1 file2.vala
This assume that the VAPI file has been installed. If this is not the case, you'll need to pass --vapidir
and the location where file1.vapi
exists, probably .
. Similarly, you'll need to inform the C compiler about where file1.h
lives with -X -I/directory/containing
, again, probably -X -I.
. Finally, you'll need to tell the C linker where
is via -X -L/directory/containing -X -lfile1
. This is a little platform specific, and you can smooth the difference out using AutoMake, though this is a bit more involved. Ragel is the usual go-to project for how to use AutoMake with Vala.