I have scrapy and scrapyd installed on a debian machine. I log in to this server using a ssh-tunnel. I then start scrapyd by going: scrapyd
Scrapyd starts up fine and I then open up another ssh-tunnel to the server and schedule my spider with: curl localhost:6800/schedule.json -d project=myproject -d spider=myspider
The spider runs nicely and everything is fine.
The problem is that scrapyd stops running when I quit the session where I started up scrapyd. This prevents me from using cron to schdedule spiders with scrapyd since scrapyd isn't running when the cronjob is launched.
My simple question is: How do I keep scrapyd running so that it doesn't shut down when I quit the ssh session.
Run it in a screen session:
$ screen
$ scrapyd
# hit ctrl-a, then d to detach from that screen
$ screen -r # to re-attach to your scrapyd process