I've few NFC tags wich have only android.nfc.tech.NfcA
in Tech list
. I've tried to write data on it using this example, but I've failed, as I understood tag should support NdefFormatable
in order to be written in this way. NFC TagWriter also can't write this tags.
My question is: Is it possible to write such tags in Android? If yes how can I do this?
According to sellers information this tags based on Mifare 1K S50
If the tag is MIFARE Classic 1K (that's the type you indicate in your update) and your phone does not support MIFARE Classic (i.e. tech-list does not report MifareClassic technology, which means that your device has a non-NXP NFC chipset, e.g. Nexus 4, Nexus 5, etc.) then you are out of luck. There is no way to read or write those tags if the NFC chipset does not have a MIFARE Classic reader.